Session 15

Longevity: Self-determination & Social Commitment


Longevity: Self-determination & Social Commitment


The increase in life expectancy is one of the greatest successes of humanity. But living longer, in addition to living better, also implies greater responsibility and commitment to the common good throughout life. The older adults, according to their abilities, have the duty and the responsibility to participate more and be more involved in promoting social well-being, contributing as much as possible to their community. These are the challenges inherent in self-determination and citizenship throughout the life cycle, which guarantee the rights of the elderly, but also shows their responsibility in sharing their values, knowledge, life experiences and skills with all generations, in particular the younger ones.

The 15th Session of the InterAções Symposium seeks to reflect on the self-determination and social commitment of the elderly to the community.

  • 14:30 Mário Rui André
    Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
  • 14:35 Maria Madeira
    Consultora do Programa Lisboa Cidade de Todas as Idades
  • 14:45 Maria do Rosário Gama
    APRE – Associação de Aposentados, Pensionistas e Reformados
  • 14:55 Domingos Silva
    RUTIS – Rede de Universidades Seniores
  • 15:05 Rosa Maria Araújo
    Associação Coração Amarelo
  • 15:15 Q&A
  • 15:45 Luna Marques
    Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa


Mário Rui André

Mário Rui André

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa

Joaquina Madeira

Maria Madeira

Consultora do Programa Lisboa Cidade de Todas as Idades

Maria Rosário Gama

Maria do Rosário Gama

APRE – Associação de Aposentados, Pensionistas e Reformados

Domingos Silva

Domingos Silva

RUTIS – Rede de Universidades Seniores

Rosa Maria Araújo

Rosa Maria Araújo

Associação Coração Amarelo

Luna Marques

Luna Marques

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa