Session 13

Social Representations of Ageing: Ageism, Image and Stereotypes


Social Representations of Ageing: Ageism, Image and Stereotypes


Ageism remains very common in traditional media, and there has been a significant increase in social media. This was highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic, as older adults were often portraired as “defenseless and expendable elderly people”, as well illustrated by the spread of the “#BoomerRemover” hashtag. As such, it is essential that we take concerted action into knowing how to communicate ‘ageing’, so that we can guarantee an environment of respect, empathy and solidarity between all generations. This is a challenge for all of us that should not only involve media professionals, but also decision-makers, academics and researchers, as well as, fundamentally, older adults themselves, who ought to be be increasingly committed to dissipate the stereotypes assigned to them.

The 13th Session of the InterAções Symposium seeks to better understand the roots of age-based steriotypes and identify strategies to deconstruct the myths and the preconceptions.

  • 14:30 Mário Rui André
    Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
  • 14:35 Sibila Marques
    ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
  • 14:55 Sofia Alçada
    Impulso Positivo
  • 15:15 Maria Seruya
    Projeto “Velhas Bonitonas”
  • 15:30 Q&A
  • 15:50 Maria João Matos
    Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa


Mário Rui André

Mário Rui André

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa

Sibila Marques

Sibila Marques

ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Sofia Alçada

Sofia Alçada

Impulso Positivo

Maria Seruya

Maria Seruya

Projeto "Velhas Bonitonas"

Maria João Matos

Maria João Matos

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa