Ageing in Big Cities
IV Interactions Symposium
IV Simpósio Interações: Envelhecer nas Grandes Cidades
The 4th edition of this symposium is themed “Ageing in Big Cities” and aims to address, on the one hand, theoretical and conceptual issues of ageing in an urban context and, on the other hand, the challenges in operationalizing “city programmes” in the field of longevity and ageing, trying to illustrate these challenges through some practical experiences, among which the Lisbon, City of All Ages programme.
Thus, in the morning, in addition to an opening lecture by a renowned researcher from the Urban Ageing Research Group of the City of Manchester, some of the most important dimensions related to the challenges of ageing in big cities will be addressed by academics/experts. These topics include the phenomena of exclusion, social inequalities and diversity of lifestyles, the impact of urban renewal, housing and gentrification on the social ecology of cities, the phenomena of isolation and involuntary loneliness, as well as forms of participation and active citizenship throughout life, the importance of neighbourhood networks and formal and informal caretakers and safety in an urban context.
The two afternoon sessions will address the challenges of operationalising projects/programmes in the field of longevity and ageing in large cities. Thus, the first session, with the participation of the Executive Director of the European Social Network and a representative of the World Health Organisation, will address facilitators and barriers. Then, in a second session, three practical experiences of putting into practice city plans will be presented: Lisbon, Barcelona and Porto.
The event will take place on 15 February at Cinema S. Jorge in Lisbon and can be followed online via streaming.

Carlos Moedas
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa – Lisbon City Hall

Javier Yanguas
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona/Fundação “La Caixa”, programa Sempre Acompanhados